Posted Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019 | 2,033 views
Not too long ago we wrote an article describing how home-sellers can increase the value of their home by painting various parts of the exterior, but today we’re going to discuss some simple ways you can give the inside of your home a new facelift with some minor interior painting projects.
If you’ve been living in your home for a long time, or just moved into it and you feel that your home’s interior is looking a little bland, continue reading.
After following the advice in this article, and tackling these projects, you’ll feel like your home is brand new again.
Home sellers remember; house painting is great for making the inside and outside of your home look amazing, and a good paint job will always give you a boost in the price when selling it.
Before painting any part of your home you have to remember that you need to plan the colour scheme.
You simply cannot and should tackle a paint job willy-nilly with random not-matching colours. If you do your home is going to look tacky and visitors will be left asking “who painted this?”
Even though the scope of this article doesn’t address painting every part of your home, you absolutely need to plan ahead.
If you don’t plan out the future colours you’ll be using, you’ll eventually discover that something doesn’t look right, and you’ll simply have to start all over again.
Lets get started
Baseboards get neglected a lot. People usually paint them once and forget them for years.
The thing is, baseboards actually go through a lot; they fade, they collect dust and debris, they get hit by objects, scraped and even damaged.
No matter what happens to them, baseboards are one of the most neglected parts of a beautiful home so giving them a little attention will do wonders for how the inside of your home will look.
Simply start by painting one room at a time. One of the best places to start is around your front door and follow into your kitchen.
These are the main trafficked areas of your home, so a new layer of paint will actually be noticeable right away.
Start by vacuuming or dusting them down, and then take a moist cloth and make sure all dust and dirt is removed.
If it’s been a while since you even took a close look at your baseboards you’ll see how much they’ve probably been neglected. Clean them up, tape the walls above them, put a towel or sheet on the floor, and move on to the painting.
Make sure you take your time and do it right, and clean up any paint that has dripped on the floor.
When you’re done painting your baseboards, you’re going to be happy about how they look and wonder why you neglected them for so long.
Bathrooms are so inspiring. They’re also one of the first rooms that are painted when a home owner decides they want to spice up their surroundings, but not paint the whole home.
Bathrooms are easy to paint too; they’re smaller than regular sized rooms (e.g. kitchens, master bedrooms) and the area to paint is substantially smaller than other rooms in your home.
You have to be careful though; you have to ensure that you cover your counters, secure off your bathtub/shower area, cover your toilet and sink, and make sure to put a tarp or sheet on the floor to protect them too.
Once everything is protected from drips of paint and potential splashes, you’re ready to go.
If you’re going to paint your bathroom with a new colour, again we advise that you make sure to think it through so that the colours you choose match the general colour-ambience of the rest of your home and hallways. If you have problems choosing the right colours that match your vanity and shelves, try out a few colour matching tools before making any decisions.
Paint the walls and clean the baseboards and trim too, and the end result will be a fantastic and brand-new looking bathroom that you’ll enjoy being in again.
Painting a bedroom is another great way to get some inspiration for painting other parts of your home, and the end result will pump you up for painting the rest of your home.
A good idea is to start by painting one of your smaller bedrooms so it can only be a few hours of work.
If you or a child uses the room you choose, make sure it has been adequately ventilated before anyone sleeps in there again. A good idea is to prop up a fan, and direct it towards an open window.
Like we mentioned above, make sure to clean your baseboards and trim, and be sure to choose colours that will match the colour-scheme of the rest of your home. Tape the areas that need to be protected from paint drips and splashing, and cover your carpets with a sheet or tarp to make sure they’re protected.
You can actually get these projects done within a few days and once you do being in your home is going to feel great again and probably inspire you to start painting other parts of your home.
If you’d prefer not to do it alone, we’re the Brantford painters that would be more than happy to help you and paint your space to perfection!
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For small and large homes, and commercial properties, we put our best foot forward, so you, our satisfied customers will have no problem spreading the word about our services. We happily provide our painting services in Brantford, Burford, Paris, and Cambridge Ontario.